Before Surgery
Eye Drops
- 2 days before your surgery, begin using Vigamox and Prolensa eye drops, which will be prescribed by your physician.
- Vigamox (you may also be prescribed generics such as Ofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, or Gatafloxacin)
- This is an antibiotic eye drop.
- This medication has a tan top.
- Take 1 drop of Vigamox or generic 4 times a day.
- Prolensa (or generic Diclofenac / Ketorolac)
- This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drop.
- This medication has a grey top.
- Take 1 drop of Prolensa or Ketorolac just before bed.
- If you receive Diclofenac, take 4 drops spaced throughout the day.
- Diabetics start Prolensa or generic 1 week beforehand as opposed to 2 days before.
Other Instructions
- Space eye drops 5 minutes apart.
- Do not touch the tip of the bottles with your finger, to your face, or eye.
- Do not eat or drink anything 8 hours before your surgery.
- Expect to be at the surgery facility for 3-4 hours.
- You MUST have someone take you home after surgery.
Day of Surgery
- Unless otherwise instructed by your Doctor, take your usual medications with a small amount of water. DO NOT eat or drink anything else.
- Pause any diabetic medication.
- Bring your eye drops + lists of medications you are taking to the Surgery Facility.
After Surgery
Eye Drops
- Vigamox (you may also be prescribed generics such as Ofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, or Gatafloxacin)
- This is an antibiotic eye drop.
- This medication has a tan top.
- Take 1 drop of Vigamox or generic 4 times a day for one week.
- Prolensa (or generic Diclofenac / Ketorolac)
- This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drop.
- This medication has a grey top.
- Take 1 drop of Prolensa or Ketorolac just before bed for 30 days.
- If you receive Diclofenac, take 2 drops for 30 days.
- Diabetics take Prolensa or generic for 6 weeks.
- Durezol or Prednisolone Acetate 1%
- These are steroid drops.
- These medications have either pink or white tops.
- You will be prescribed one or the other.
- If you are prescribed Durezol:
- Take 1 drop, 2 times a day, for 2 weeks.
- THEN take 1 drop, 1 time a day, for 1 week.
- If you are prescribed Prednisolone Acetate 1%:
- Take 1 drop, 4 times a day, for 2 weeks.
- THEN take 1 drop, 2 times a day, for 1 week.
- THEN take 1 drop, 1 time a day, for 1 week.
Other Instructions
- Wear the shield at bedtime for 2 weeks after surgery on your operative eye. DO NOT RUB YOUR EYES.
- No heavy exercise + lifting more than 20 lbs for 2 weeks. Walking is ok.
- No bending with the head below the waist for 2 weeks.
- Avoid water in the eyes. No swimming / Jacuzzi for 3 weeks after surgery.
- No air travel for 7-10 days after surgery.
- You can take a sponge bath for the first 3 days. After 3 days you can shower.
- You may experience blurred vision in your operative eye for a few days or more.
- Call us ASAP if you have a sudden decrease in vision, flashes, floaters, or serious pain with redness.