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How dehydration affects the Eye Health

How dehydration affects the Eye Health

Staying hydrated for long is important for the normal functioning of the body and to do away with constant headaches. Dehydration has negative effects to the body. In addition to that, it can also affect your eyes in several ways.

The cause of dehydration

Basically, dehydration is the loss of water in the body. Vomiting, excessive sweating, exercising and diarrhea are all factors that can lead to dehydration. Dehydration is not an uncommon experience as most people have at some point experienced it. Some people also drink water daily but still counter the benefits by consuming caffeine, alcohol and lots of salt.

When a person experiences dehydration, it is because his or her body is not retaining as much water as it should. As a result, the body enters into a state of shock because the organs are not functioning the way they should. A mild to moderate dehydration can easily be looked into and the body can be replenished by simply drinking some water. Severe dehydration on the other hand is harmful to the body. When the body is under severe dehydration, it results to feelings of extreme thirst, dry skin, fatigue, constipation and dizziness or light-headedness. This condition can also be harmful to the eyes too.

Drink up for healthy eyes

You can maintain a comfortable and healthy vision by staying active, eating a healthy diet and drinking lots of water. You cannot allow for your eyes to be stresses since it sees and communicates with the other person well. This makes it very beneficial to the human body. The important thing to do is to drink plenty of water. If you are not consuming the required and sufficient amount of water on a daily basis then you will realize that your eyes are straining a lot and not functioning normally as it should.

Spot the Signs

You can determine whether or not you are dehydrated. The body has a unique way of functioning and alerting the grain in case there are any problems or discomforts. Some signs of dehydration have immediate effects on the eyesight, and this is usually the first sign that you will most probably spot. In addition to that, it is easy to notice the physical signs as compared to mental signs. Pay attention to how your eyes are behaving and if anything seems off with your eyes. Are they red? Is there any feelings of discomfort to the eyes? Do you feel like your eyes are dry and itchy? These are some of the main signs of dehydration that are physically visible. Also, note being able to cry or to produce tears is yet another symptom of dehydration.

A Good Cry

We naturally produce tears, especially if we cry, or undergo experiences that will naturally cause tears to flow from our eyes. Not being able to produce tears should be a health concern and you should look into it the moment you spot or notice that you cannot produce tears. Producing tears is important for the eye, because tears produce water which keeps the eye hydrated and gives it moisture. Furthermore, teardrops are comprised of water, oil and a mucous component. All these components are important in keeping the eye lubricated and fully functional. When the eyes are lubricated, you are able to blink easily, which is also essential in keeping harmful components like dust in the eye.

If your eyes cannot produce moisture from shedding tears, then you may start feeling as though you are straining and you cannot go about your daily operations the way you do on any other normal day. Straining the eye will automatically have negative impacts on your vision. Therefore, tears is an important component of the eye health because they flush out all the unwanted particles and substances from the eye. These include debris, dirt, dust and even eyelashes.

Moreover, some these unwanted particles in the eye come as a result of the things and eye makeup that we use. For instance, if you are applying mascara and it accidentally gets in the eye then you will feel some sort of irritation and discomfort in the eye. Assuming that this happens and your eyes cannot produce tears, you will have a hard time seeing and going about your normal routine well. When this occurs, you will start feeling irritated in the eye and this can lead to blurred vision and headaches.

There are several things that we can do to avoid dehydration. They include the following;

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, as directed by your physician.
  • Eat foods that are high in water content such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Completely avoid or limit the consumption of drinks with caffeine such as coffee and soft drinks.
  • Avoid or minimize your alcohol consumption.

In addition to that, there are several things that you can do to help avoid dehydration. They include;

  • Pay attention to the symptoms of dehydration. You may start feeling light headed or constant headaches. In addition to that you may also have a difficult time seeing properly.
  • Whenever you are feeling thirsty, respond to the problem immediately by drinking lots of water at different intervals.
  • Check the color of your urine for any signs of dehydration. Consult with your doctor if you feel something is wrong.
  • Forget about the 8 glasses a day rule, and drink more water if you feel like it. This will help with lowering and symptoms that are associated with not taking enough water.
  • Up your water intake when exercising. This is the only way to be on the right track and lead a healthy life.

Therefore, avoiding dehydration is important to ensure that you maintain a healthy eyesight. You can achieve this by having a water bottle and carrying water everywhere you go. This is essential in that when you feel thirsty or have the urge to drink water, you will do so immediately. Keeping your eyes healthier is important, especially when you are considering laser vision correction.