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The Role of Vitamin D in Dry Eyes

The Role of Vitamin D in Dry Eyes
Vitamin D is mostly gotten from sunlight. It is also a vitamin that we can get through supplements and diet because the body produces the hormone when one is exposed to the sun. This exposure to the sun has led to the vitamin being referred to as the sunshine vitamin. When we expose our skin to the sun, it gets the Ultraviolet rays, which is then turned into Vitamin D. the body then uses this sunshine vitamin to help in the formation of strong bones. In addition to that, vitamin D comes in two parts which are vitamin D2 and D3. Vitamin D2 is a plant-based vitamin whereas D3 is animal-based. D3 is what is usually found in vitamin supplements, orange juice and milk.
Consequently, there has been medical debate as to whether the two types of vitamins have a significant difference. Getting to know whether the vitamin supplements you are taking are working can be a bit complicated and the best way to determine this is to have a blood test. Additionally, you can get vitamin D through diet and taking supplements. It is also a hormone that is produced when the body is exposed to too much sunlight.
Benefits of Vitamin D

  1. Strong Bone Formation

This is the main benefits of vitamin D that is commonly known. For instance, if you have at one point taken calcium supplements then you might have noticed that there is vitamin D added to the ingredients used. Vitamin D helps the body with the absorption of calcium through the bones. It does not leave the calcium as was taken in the blood stream. The body gets a sufficient amount of the vitamin which is essential in the growth and development of the bones and the teeth. This also improves the resistance of the body against certain diseases.

  1. Helps in fighting of diseases

Vitamin D is also important in fighting of diseases in the body. It keeps the body immune, preventing you from developing heart diseases. It also reduces the risk of getting multiple sclerosis and the likelihood of developing flu.

  1. Reduces Depression

Studies have shown that vitamin D plays an important role in increasing mood and fighting depression. Research and studies have found people who take the vitamin D supplements experience a huge improvement in their symptoms.

  1. Help in increasing weight loss

Taking vitamin D supplements to your diet is one of the greatest ways of losing weight and preventing the occurrence of heart diseases. There are a great selection of the vitamin D supplements online from which you can choose from. Studies have shown that people taking calcium and vitamin D supplements lose weight much faster as compared to people who do not take the supplements. Extra calcium and adequate amounts of vitamin D help in suppressing appetite.
How vitamin D affects Dry Eyes
The cornea, which is the outer part of the eye, contains vitamin D receptors. It is still unknown as to whether vitamin D supplements can help in the prevention of the dry eye disease, but what is clear is that it helps in reducing the symptoms. Researches have also stated that using topical vitamin D in the eye is an effective mode of delivery for the prevention of the dry eyes. People who are vitamin D deficiency also seem prone to dry eyes diseases. If a patient presenting this issue shows up at the clinic, ophthalmologists should consider testing for the levels of vitamin D.
Deficiency of vitamin D is caused by increased saltiness in the eye and the dysfunction of the tear film. Adding a reasonable amount of vitamin D to a patient’s regime increases the production of tear. It also reduces the instability of tear, ocular surface inflammation and increase the effectiveness of the medications used to treat dry eyes.
Where is vitamin D found?
Being deficient of vitamin D is an uncommon condition, therefore, you should first consult with your doctor before you add vitamin D supplements to your meals. There are people who are at high risk of being vitamin D deficient especially those with inflammatory bowel diseases, untreated celiac disease and liver disease. Doctors have advised that adults consume about 1000 International Units of vitamin D in a day. This however, depends on whether you are deficient or not, or whether or not you have other health conditions that could affect your intake. In addition to that, adults can safely consume up to 4000 IU per day. However, there are some conditions where people consume more than this, and if you happen to consume more than the required quantity then you should probably get your blood levels checked by your doctor.
Moreover, there are some people who prefer getting vitamin D straight from the sun. If you happen to be one of them then the period you spend under the sun depends on where you are coming from, your skin color and how much of the skin is exposed, but 10 to 15 minutes should be perfect. You should do this three times in a week. Some people are also conscious on the amount of sun that they get exposed to and the negative effects of the UVA and UVB lights. This is why they wear sunblock’s while in the sun. This will reduce the amount of UVA lights that your skin gets. People in the northern hemisphere experience winter most of the time, and this means that there is less exposure to sunlight. They have to stay indoors for longer periods.
Vitamin D needs fat to metabolize because it is not water soluble. This is why it is better to take supplements in the form of oil or through a pill that has oil inside for it to metabolize. The body then uses the vitamin D in the body easily instead of storing it into fat. If you are experiencing dry eyes and you are interested in having a laser ye correction then you must visit your doctor and discuss the available options for you.