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Dr. Hamilton

Dr. Rex Hamilton Presents at OSN New York 2018

Dr. Rex Hamilton speaking
This last weekend, Dr. Rex Hamilton was a featured speaker at the annual Ocular Surgery News conference in New York City. Over four hundred of the nation’s leading ophthalmologists were in attendance to learn about the latest hot button topics and advances in the field. The conference was hosted by Dr. Richard L. Lindstrom, Dr. Hamilton’s former mentor at the Minnesota Eye Consultants.
Dr. Rex Hamilton gave three different presentations throughout the course of the conference. The topics he covered included the management of missed astigmatism targets, dealing with complications during cataract surgery, and unique cornea treatment cases.
Dr. Rex Hamilton sitting with other ophthalmologists
To learn more about the many presentations and lectures given by Dr. Hamilton through his career, refer to his biography page on our website and check out his CV.